Friday, 11 March 2016

Year 4 Homework

Date set: 11.3.16

Date Due in: 18.3.16

-      Reading every day. Please write in your reading diary when you have read.

-      Maths (20mins):

Our topic this week is decimals. Maths work will be posted on mathletics, if you have any problems accessing this work please speak to the teacher for a paper copy. Please also practise your times tables up to 12 x 12.

Science experiment
For home work we would like you to work on your projects for science week: March 21st-23rd.  As part of science week the children are challenged to take part in our science competition.  They will need to investigate a scientific problem or a science question that interests them. Ideally, the children will carry out an experiment, survey or test, rather than researching the answer to a question in books or on the internet. Children can present their work on up to A1 (84cm x 59cm) paper and can bring in objects or photographs to show the results of their experiments. Judges will be looking at:
- Presentation of work
- Knowledge and understanding
- Curiosity and scientific enquiry skills

-      Spellings (20mins) should be practised for a short time each day, using the words given in sentences.

You need to:

 • look at each word

• say the word

• copy the word in first space

• cover the words and try to write it from memory

• check to see if they are right

This week your spellings all contain the topic words you will need for our science lessons. Look up the meanings and try to use them in a sentence.







Group 1

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again


Group 2

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again



1 comment:

  1. Renascence Barua21 April 2016 at 11:57

    Our Trip To Crane Park

    Today me and my class, Waterloo, went to Crane Park. We went to find out about habitats. We took food and water with us, as well as cameras!

    First we went to the bus stop to catch a bus. It was a double decker, 111. We all chattered on, waiting to get off. When we did, we went down a twisty path, that led to Crane Park.

    At the end of the path, a man was standing in front of an old tower. He told us that it was used for making gunpowder and the it was called the Shot Tower. We were split into 2 groups and I did mini beast hunt first. We found lots of amazing creatures!

    We had a yummy and fun lunch. We saw lots of cute doggies. Then we went to a pond to fish for creatures that live in the habitat. We saw some wriggly worms and lots of insects. Then we went river dipping. We got very wet feet. We found lots of shrimp. Mr Smith even found a fish!

    We said goodbye to Crane Park and went back to school. We came back with the memory of the exciting adventure. And soggy feet too!
