Monday 16 November 2015

Year 4 Homework

Date set: 13.11.14

Date Due in: 20.11.14

-      Reading every day. Please write in your reading diary when you have read.

-      Maths (20mins):

Our topic this week is multiplication and division Maths homework will be posted on the mathletics website. Please ask your teacher for a paper copy if you need one or if you have trouble logging on.

Please also practise your times tables up to 12 x 12.


-      Literacy (20mins):

Is learning to swim important?

Almost half of children leaving primary school can't swim well enough according to a report by the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA).

The ASA say that children should be able to swim the National Curriculum standard of 25 metres without any help before they reach secondary school.

But many schools say that getting you guys to the baths and back again without taking up too much of the school day is a real struggle.

We are lucky enough to have swimming lessons at school.  Not all children learn to swim at school.  Do you think it is important?  Write a balance argument giving reasons for and against.   You could use the following headings:

- Why it is important to learn to swim.
- Why learning to swim at school may not be a good idea.
- Conclusion




Group 1

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again


Group 2

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again





  1. Have you ever thought of having a splash in school? Well read this text and see which one you like.
    I think, swimming is a good sport because it keeps you fit, hydrated and is fun. But most importantly, it reduces the risk of drowning. Because swimming is a low-impact sport, chances of getting hurt is very low and therefore you continue enjoying the sport for long. I believe taking swimming lessons from school also teaches us time management because there is so much to be done in a specific amount of time.
    But in case if we do have to stop swimming lessons at school then, I have thought of an idea that might help people who can’t afford to take swimming lessons. The school could just give the people a ticket or voucher and the person could just show the people at the gym the ticket or voucher and there would be no cost incurred. That way, the children would not be wasting a lot of time in changing and travel during school hours and would still be able to enjoy swimming.
    On the other hand people say that you could drown while doing backstroke moreover, it could scary for developers this could lead to people drowning.
    In my opinion, I like swimming because it keeps you fit and hydrated and is fun.
    By Hamid

  2. Have you ever thought of having a splash in school? Well read this text and see which one you like.
    I think, swimming is a good sport because it keeps you fit, hydrated and is fun. But most importantly, it reduces the risk of drowning. Because swimming is a low-impact sport, chances of getting hurt is very low and therefore you continue enjoying the sport for long. I believe taking swimming lessons from school also teaches us time management because there is so much to be done in a specific amount of time.
    But in case if we do have to stop swimming lessons at school then, I have thought of an idea that might help people who can’t afford to take swimming lessons. The school could just give the people a ticket or voucher and the person could just show the people at the gym the ticket or voucher and there would be no cost incurred. That way, the children would not be wasting a lot of time in changing and travel during school hours and would still be able to enjoy swimming.
    On the other hand people say that you could drown while doing backstroke moreover, it could scary for developers this could lead to people drowning.
    In my opinion, I like swimming because it keeps you fit and hydrated and is fun.
    By Hamid

  3. There has been an augment if children should go to swimming classes. We don’t know if children should go to swimming classes so let’s see what is right and which one is wrong
    90% of people think children should go swimming classes because if you don’t know how to swim you can try your hardest. The several reasons why there should be swimming classes is because: it is part of your education, you might be one of best in the school and you could be a swimming teacher.
    10% of people think swimming is bad because you don’t want to be a swimmer. The several reason why they think it is bad to swim is because whenever you go to a lesson you just muck about, you start getting bullied because you don’t know how to swim and the swimming teachers are bossy.
    From both reasons in my opinion I think it is good to swim and you can be the best swimmer in the world like kattiew ledecky.

  4. Do you think children should have a time limit on how long they should play on an console,ipod etc.Well here's what I think!!!!!!!!

    I think that children should have a good time limit on things because if you didn't you would get a very bad headache . Additionally,95% of people say that kids should get a time limit on what you play on.

    After writing all of this i believe that kids should have a time limit on what you play Jack😆😊😀😈💢🌐🎧✌

  5. Ever since indoor PE was introduced, the debate has been on whether or not children should have indoor or outdoor PE.
    An online poll reveals that more than 56% of people have voted in favour of indoor PE. Experts recommend 60 minutes of rigorous physical activity daily. With unpredictable weather conditions, this can only be made possible with suitable provisions for indoor PE. However, the lack of space can leave us with fewer choice s indoors. In a busy hour, the indoor space can get muggy and cramped while the outdoor gives you a fresh breath of air.
    I, personally, prefer outdoor PE as it enables me to play more sports and fills my lungs with healthy oxygen. Running indoors can never feel the same as running outdoors. However, despite my personal choice, I still believe that we need a good balance of both indoor and outdoor PE to keep us fit in good weather and bad.

  6. Ever since indoor PE was introduced, the debate has been on whether or not children should have indoor or outdoor PE.
    An online poll reveals that more than 56% of people have voted in favour of indoor PE. Experts recommend 60 minutes of rigorous physical activity daily. With unpredictable weather conditions, this can only be made possible with suitable provisions for indoor PE. However, the lack of space can leave us with fewer choice s indoors. In a busy hour, the indoor space can get muggy and cramped while the outdoor gives you a fresh breath of air.
    I, personally, prefer outdoor PE as it enables me to play more sports and fills my lungs with healthy oxygen. Running indoors can never feel the same as running outdoors. However, despite my personal choice, I still believe that we need a good balance of both indoor and outdoor PE to keep us fit in good weather and bad.
