Year 4 Homework
Autumn 2
Date set: 23rd September 2016
Date Due in: 30th September 2016
-Reading (every day): Please make
sure you fill in your reading diary when you have read at home and ask an adult
to sign for you.
-Maths (20mins): Our topic this week
is mental multiplication and division.
Maths homework will be posted on the mathletics website. Please ask your
teacher for a paper copy if you need one or if you have trouble logging on.
-Literacy (20mins): Next week we
will be starting our poetry unit. For your homework this week, we would like
you to read some poems (you could use poetry books from home or from the
library, or look on the internet: is a good place to
start). We would like you to prepare one your favourite poems to perform to the
class next week. Please try to learn as much as possible of the poem (at least
one verse) off by heart. Think about what makes a good poetry performance (more
on this on the blog).
-Spellings (20mins) should be
practised for a short time each day, using the words given in sentences.
Spelling checks will take place on Wednesday or Thursday of the following week.
You need to:
• look at each word
• say the word
• copy the word in first space
• cover the words and try to
write it from memory
• check to see if they are right
• cover, write and check again
Group 1
Cover, write check
Cover, write check
Cover, write check
Group 2
Cover, write check
Cover, write check
Cover, write check
Next week we will be
starting our poetry unit.
For your homework this week, you have been asked to read
some poems (you could use poetry books from home or from the library, or look
on the internet: is a good place to start). We would like
you to prepare one your favourite poems to perform to the class next week.
Please try to learn as much as possible of the poem (at least one verse) off by
Think about what makes a good poetry performance. The link
below will take you to a performance of one of my favourite poems, Macavity The
Mystery Cat by T.S. Eliot, performed by Michael Rosen. If you get chance, watch
the performance. What makes it a good performance? How can you incorporate some
of this into your poetry performance next week?
There are also links to other poetry performances on the
side of the BBC page. Watch some of them if you get chance.

Friendship poem
ReplyDeleteOh what joy it is
To have a friend like you
For giving me strength
The way you do
For lifting me up
When I'm feeling down
And putting a smile on my face
When I'm wearing a a frown
Thanks for being there
and helping me grow
Your friendship means a lot
this I'd like you to know
By Megan
You only needed to learn the poem not post it on the blog Megan
DeleteA Friend
ReplyDeleteA friend is someone
we turn to when our
spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone
we treasure, for
friendship is a
gift. A friend
is someone who
fills our lives
with beauty, joy
and grace. A friend
makes the world
we live in a
better and
happier place to live.
By Eesha
You only needed to learn a poem not post it on the blog Eesha.
DeleteThe Crocodile
ReplyDeleteToday I saw a crocodile,
It sat and stared at me!
I didn't run, I didn't shriek,
In case I was his tea!
No move I saw the snapper make,
His jaws remained tight shut.
Whilst sweat poured down my forehead,
I heard rumbles from his gut!
But feeling brave I shuffled close,
To see his scary jaws.
The crocodile was not impressed,
And flexed his giant claws!
The beast prepared to eat me up,
He snapped, he snarled, he blew!
But I just stood and tapped the glass,
'Cause this croc is in the zoo!
By Shreya
You only needed to learn a poem not post it on the blog Shreya.