Thursday, 30 March 2017

Year 4 Homework

Date set: 30.3.17

Date Due in: 21.4.17

Reading (every day)                                                    

Please write in your reading diary when you have read. You will have been allocated a Bug Club book to read at home, which will be different to the one that you are reading in school. Check with your teacher if you are not sure which one is which. Don’t forget to answer the ‘bugs’- look out for them on each page! Please don’t “close” the book until all the bugs have been answered.



Over the Easter holidays we would like you to use Mathletics to revise some of the topics that we have covered so far. Have a look at the work you have already done, and retry any areas that you are not completely confident with. Look especially for topics where your score is less than 85. Try to aim for 1000 points each week to get your certificates.  If you have any problems accessing this work please speak to the teacher for a paper copy.


Please also practise your times tables. This week I need to practise my ___ x tables.



After half term, we will be starting a new unit on plays, focusing on ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by William Shakespeare. For your homework, we would like you to do some research about William Shakespeare, and answer the questions on the sheet overleaf.


Spellings (20mins):

Continue to revise the spellings from last week. Make sure that you revise the spelling rules, as well as the individual words.