Friday, 3 March 2017

Year 4 Homework

Date set: 3.3.17

Date Due in: 10.3.17

Reading (every day):

Please write in your reading diary when you have read.

You will have been allocated a Bug Club book to read at home, which will be different to the one that you are reading in school. Check with your teacher if you are not sure which one is which. Don’t forget to answer the ‘bugs’- look out for them on each page!


Maths (20mins):

Our topic this week is time. We have been looking at converting between analogue and digital time, converting from 12 and 24 hour time, calculating elapsed time and using timetables.

Maths work will be posted on Mathletics. If you have any problems accessing this work please speak to the teacher for a paper copy.

Please also practise your times tables. This week I need to practise my _____ x tables.


Literacy (20mins):

For our book week topic we have been looking at the book ‘Flotsam’. In the story some mysterious photographs are found by a boy on the beach. There are lots of unusual pictures of creatures underwater such as mechanical fish, an octopus sitting on a sofa and a turtle with a whole city on its back. As part of our story writing this week, we have focused on using expanded noun phrases with a preposition. For your homework, imagine or draw your own underwater scene and then write a paragraph on the blog describing what’s in the scene that you have created. Remember to use expanded noun phrases. Choose your adjectives carefully-try to use some that nobody else will use!

Minimum 100 words.


Spellings (20mins):


This week your spellings all contain the ph and wh sounds. Look up the meanings and try to use them in a sentence.






Group 1

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again


Group 2

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again



  1. my pictures by JAKE.

    I have thought of three pictures to share. The first picture is that there are four squids. All pink and
    they're reading diary of a wimpy kid which is a famous
    book. Also they're dressed up as smart people. They also
    have little tiny spots on their heads that are the shape of horse shoes.
    The second picture is of ten seahorses racing about pretending to be racing cars. The winner gets to eat the seaweed trophy. In the crowd fishes, dolphins, sharks and more seahorses are cheering them on. The seahorses are wearing racing helmets and racing outfits that are red and white. They are holding a little earring as a steering wheel. The winner was Number 1 - Alfred the Great Seahorse! He always won the races.

  2. Dolphins live in all oceans of the planet and even in some important rivers.
    While not all species of dolphins live everywhere, there is a species for each environment.
    Specifically one of the best known species, the bottlenose dolphin lives in every ocean of the world except the Arctic and the Antarctic oceans.
    The Atlantic spotted dolphin, lives all over the tropical and temperate areas of the Atlantic Ocean avoiding the Arctic and Antarctica regions.
    The Pink Dolphin lives in the Amazon river.

    The food that dolphins eat is different for each species.
    While some dolphins eat fishes like herring, cod or mackerel, some others eat squids.
    Even more, large dolphins like the killer whales, eat some other marine mammals like seals or sea lions and sometime even turtles.
    Usually, the amount of fish that they eat depends on the kind of fish that they hunt. While mackerel or herring have a lot of fat, squid have not much fat, therefore, to get the energy required for their activities, dolphins have to eat more squid than mackerel.
    On average, a dolphin with a weigh of 200 Kg. to 250 Kg will eat between 10 Kg to 25 Kg of fish every day.
    Usually to hunt fish, some species of dolphins use a method called herding which is performed by a pod of dolphins where some of them surround a school of fish to compress them as much as possible, while some others take turns to dive through the compacted school of fish and feed.
    Other usual method is corralling where fish is chased to shallow waters where they cannot escape.
    Some species catch larger fish by hitting them with their tails to stun them.
    By Ana-Maria

  3. Under the water there were big yellow rocks where a big green turtle with big black eyes was swimming by.It was calm under the water. There were lots of little green fish swimming around. There were holes in the big rocks in which fish lived in.Fish that lived inside the rocks were big and they had small patters on their backs. Their fins were thin and their body was blue.It was a good scene .Fish were swimming around and turtles were swimming around. There was a bit of seaweed floating around but not a lot.There was a lot of space under the water so sea creatures had a lot of space to swim around.It was very nice under the water.

  4. From 9:00 o'clock in the morning to 00:00 the fur seal sings rock music and dancing. All the animals like: water elephants, lions, sharks, jelly fish, crabs, aliens, penguins and octopuses gather around to listen to the music. Some penguins play on the electric guitar. Lions play on a keyboard and octopuses play on ukulele. Everybody was happy and surprised.

  5. The fish, that was bright orange and was next to the coral, swam with the other fish. The turtle, who was green and was swimming away from the coral, sensed danger. The shark, who was hungry and gargantuan, eyed the fish. The fish, who were amber and were next to the coral, sensed danger. The shark, who was hungry and eyeing the fish, hurled itself at the fish. The fish, who were scared and being attacked, stuck together and swam away. The shark, who was now famished and next to the coral, eyed the turtles who were bright green and away from the coral.

  6. My Underwater Scene

    Under the water deep down in the sea is:green,slimy seaweed;colourful coral;orange and white nemo fish.A colour explotion of coral reef.It is a whole land of colour.The coral is in different shapes.Some shapes are very peculiar like:cabbage;layers of leaf;miget tree.The reef has long strips that feel like smooth jelly.There is a whole kingdom that feels like jelly.The fish look like wings.There skin is very delicate it is fine silk also they are transparent.The whales lived in the coral reef.The seaweed covered most of areas in green.The seaweed was the most comman part of the underwater.It mostly made the water more lively.The coral reef progress was really fast.It grew into a whole imangination land.
    By Rytham
