Thursday 11 May 2017

Year 4 Homework

Date set: 12.5.17   

Date Due in: 19.5.17

Reading (every day)

Please write in your reading diary when you have read. You will have been allocated a Bug Club book to read at home, which will be different to the one that you are reading in school. Check with your teacher if you are not sure which one is which. Don’t forget to answer the ‘bugs’- look out for them on each page! Please don’t “close” the book until all the bugs have been answered.


Maths (20mins):

Our topic this week is decimal place value. Maths work will be posted on Mathletics. If you have any problems accessing this work, please speak to the teacher for a paper copy. Please also practise your times tables and associated division facts (e.g. 7x6=42, 6x7=42 42 ÷7=6, 42÷6=7)


Image result for sir francis drake knightedLiteracy:

This week we have been finding out about Sir Francis Drake and his exploration of the world. For your homework this week, we would like you to imagine that you are Sir Francis Drake. Write a diary entry for September 26, 1580. Include your thoughts and feelings about the journey that you have just come back from and the events of the day. Write a minimum of 150 words.


  • Write in full sentences
  • Use capital letters for proper nouns
  • Write in the first person
  • Write in the past tense
  • Check spellings carefully before you post.


Spellings (20mins):

These should be practised for a short time each day, using the words given in sentences.

You need to:

 • look at each word

• say the word

• copy the word in first space

• cover the words and try to write it from memory

• check to see if they are right

This week we are learning homophones. These are words which sound the same but have different meanings. It is important that you learn the meaning of each word when you are learning your spellings this week.  





Group 1

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again

Group 2

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again



  1. Dear diary

    It's been a long time since I wrote in my diary after travelling the world for nearly 3 years! All my friends and family have supported me, even Queen Elizabeth! I can't wait to tell them about all the things I have seen and done.
    Whilst I was on my trip I am guessing my family were hoping I would return safely. My trusted ship, The Pelican, has brought me home safely despite some of the terrible weather and storms at sea that caused us to lose other ships.
    I have seen many amazing things on my travels. So many different people, countries, plants and animals. My favourite memory will always be of finding a new island that I named Elizabeth Island after out wonderful Queen. My worst memories are of all the crew that I lost to disease, but I will never regret beheading the one that was leading a mutiny against me!
    I have returned home a rich man, thanks to the Spanish ship we captured that was full of treasure. I hope my wife will be happy and appreciate our new wealth!

    By Jake

  2. September 26 1580
    The jorney I went on was really fun and scary what I went on today when the cat toppled into the sea and I dived write in and saved its life. I was happy when I got be captin of the ship. I got to be captin of the ship and that is a big oppertunatey for me now. When I got to be captin I just felt happy and also very emotional. I wouldn’t ever forget that moment of my life and I made a poem of it . I think if you went on a trip like me you would make a memory of it because you will probably forget that you went on a trip like that. I think that everyone got angry with me being captin. I remember my poem so I will write the first line now
    When francis drake was only ten he went to sea with grown up men
    And that’s all I can remember of that line really,
    that's it for now.......


  3. Francis Drake was born in Tavistock, Devon in around 1540.
    Francis Drake were in Tudor time. He meet with queen Elizabeth the first.When Francis Drake was little he did not a to school. He went to expedites. His first expedites was with John Hawkins, bringing African slaves to work in the new world. When Francis Drake were like 27 years old he became a captain of one sheep and he was very proud of him self and happy as well. He loved to be a priarot. I think it was very hard job. When you will grow up what will you what to do? When I will be a grown up person I will be a teacher and I will read to the kids about Francis Drake Ana-Maria

  4. My diary

    September 26th 1580.

    Once I made a ship called The Golden Hinde, we went on the sea and we saw spanish ships. I told everyone to fre canons at the spanish ships but we only had one ship and the spanish had fifteen. We fighted them but it was immpossible to win. The spanish defended there selves but I shot one ship down so the spanish had fourteen left. The spanish went on our ship and they started to kill us. One of them fell in the sea full of the sharks. Then they kill five off our people so we killed the rest of spanish people on our ship. Then we shot four more ships down from the spanish.Then we fired from all canons and started to diffit from them but there was still one ship left. The spanish jumped on our ship again and killed the rest of my people. It was only me vs 105 spanish people. I took over the spanish ship and shot a canon at them. The ship got destroyed. I went back to England and the Queen ans the people cheered loudly for me.

  5. My (Francis Drake) Diary Entry

    Dear Diary,
    I was the 1st English man to circumnavigate the whole wide world. I was born in Tavistock England 1540.My dad was a minister for the navy. I grew up very near the sea. I went to work on a ship at very early age (10 years).Me and my family lived in Kent. As I grew up, queen Elizabeth I told me to fight the Spanish. My first journey was with John Hawkins. Me and John Hawkins went to Africa and captured people to sell as slaves. Me and Hawkins sailed around the whole world and when we came to Spain, we sold the slaves at the Spanish port. But the Spanish people betrayed us. They attacked our ships and destroyed all of them. Only me and my ship Judith were able to escape. After I came back from my journey around the world, I still wanted to revenge the Spanish people. I started to be a privateer to attack the British's enemy ships and mostly the Spanish ships. But to the Spanish people ,I was a pirate but to the English people ,I was a superhero! I was a very rich man. Every time I returned home I would bring lots of gold for my family. I joined a crew and when I travelled across the Atlantic ocean, I captured a Spanish ship which was full of treasure. It was called the Pelican and I would later name it the Golden Hinde. I died on 27 January 1596 in Portobello, Panama.

