Friday 19 May 2017

Year 4 Homework

Date set: 19.5.17   

Date Due in: 26.5.17

Reading (every day)

Please write in your reading diary when you have read. You will have been allocated a Bug Club book to read at home, which will be different to the one that you are reading in school. Check with your teacher if you are not sure which one is which. Don’t forget to answer the ‘bugs’- look out for them on each page! Please don’t “close” the book until all the bugs have been answered.

Maths (20mins):

Our topic this week is fractions. Maths work will be posted on Mathletics. If you have any problems accessing this work, please speak to the teacher for a paper copy.

Please also practise your times tables and associated division facts (e.g. 7x6=42, 6x7=42 42 ÷7=6, 42÷6=7)


In Geography we have been using atlases to find out about at continents, countries and oceans of the world. For your homework this week, we would like to choose a country and write a fact file about it.

You could include:

  • Which continent it is on
  • Which countries and seas border it
  • The capital city
  • Other significant cities
  • The flag
  • Languages spoken
  • The population
  • The currency
  • The climate
  • Mountains and rivers
  • Any other interesting facts.

Spellings (20mins):

In grammar we have been finding out where to place the apostrophe with possessive plurals. If the word is a regular plural, e.g. boy-boys, we add an apostrophe after the s. For example: The boys’ coats were hanging in the cloakroom.

With some words we do not add an s to make it plural. For example child-children. If the word is an irregular plural we add an apostrophe before the s. For example: The children’s coats were in the cloakroom.

Your spellings this week focus on irregular plurals, where the spelling of the singular word changes to make it plural.  You have been given singular words. We would like you to find out and learn the spelling for each plural. For example if you are given the singular word mouse, you would need to learn the word mice.

You need to:

 • look at each word

• say the word

• copy the word in first space

• cover the words and try to write it from memory

• check to see if they are right




Group 1


Group 2




  1. In this world are 7 continents witch are ASIA,Europa,Africa, Antarctica,North America,Australia and South America. The surface of the planet is approximately 71% water and contains (5) five oceans, including the Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Southern. Their borders are indicated on the world image (above) in varied shades of blue. South America.Some consider the North and South American continent to be just one landmass referred to as the “American Continent.” ... 7 Continents: The most commonly accepted number of continents is 7. North America, South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia (Oceania), Europe, and Asia. Roumania is in Europa.At East it is neighbour with republic Moldavia , in North with Ukrania. In North West is Ungaria, in West is Serbia and in South with Bulgaria.The capital of Roumania is Bucarest. The flag is red,yellow and blue.The population is 20.000000 people.The currency is Ron.In Autumn is like mixed up with cold and hot,in Winter is very cold,in Spring is mixed with cold and hot and in Summer is very hot.In Romania are Mountain Carpati and rive Dunarea .Dunarea is the huge rive in Europa.

  2. INDIA

    1. India is in Asia.
    2. The countries that border India are Bangladesh, Nepal, China, Bhutan, Myanmar and Pakistan.
    3. The seas that border India are Arabian sea, Lakshadweep sea and Bay of Bengal.
    4. India's capital city is New Delhi.
    5. Other important cities are Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Bengaluru.
    6. The flag of India is saffron, green, white stripes and a blue wheel in the middle.
    7. The languages spoken in India are Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Gujarati, Kannada and Malayalam.
    8. The population of India is 1.3 billion.
    9. India's currency is rupees.
    10. The climate in India is mostly hot.
    11. Himalayas and Vindhyas are the main mountain ranges in India.
    12. Ganges, Brahmaputra and Yamuna are the main rivers in India.

    Interesting fact: Hindi is spoken by 500 million people.


  3. Facts about India

    1.India is in the continent Asia.

    2.The Arabian Sea lies to the west of India, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean lie to the east and south, respectively.

    3. Delhi is the capital of India.

    4.Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata are big cites in India.

    5.The National Flag of India is a horizontal rectangular tricolour of India saffron, white and India green; with the Ashoka Chakra, a 24-spoke wheel, in navy blue at its centre.

    6.Languages spoken in India are Telugu, Bengali, Hindi and Marathi.

    7.There are 1.311 billion people in India.

    8.India's currency is rupees.

    9.India is a very hot country and in summer it rains very heavily.

    10.The most famous river in India is the river Ganges.

  4. Fact file
    Population:5.2 million
    flag:black white and red
    capital:port of spain
    rivers: in the south moraga river and pilote
    mountains:el corrode aripo
    currency: ttd Trinidad Tobago dollar
    climate:34 digrease
    Trinidad is an island and the carrabean island around it.
    its home of the carnival
    it has the highest climate in the world

    its in Europe
    7 countries border Poland: Germany to the west, Slovakia and the Czech Republic to the south, Russia to the north, Lithuania, Belarus and the Ukraine to the east. In the north, the state border runs along the Baltic Sea coast.
    the capital city is Warsaw
    Other signfican t cities are Cracow,Wroclaw and poznan.
    Flag:White and red
    languege spoken: polish
    population : 38 538 447
    currency :zloty
    climate: transitional - between the warm, maritime climate of Western Europe and the continental Ukraine and Russia.
    rivers: wisla,odra and warta
    mountines :
    Swietokrzyskie,Carpathians and
    INTRESTING FACTS: Poland is the 9th largest country in Europe.
    90% of Poles have secondary education..
    Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus first proved that the Earth is not the center of the universe
    In the years 1600-1945 Poles were attacked or fought for freedom many times
    The Polish Constitution was passed as the first in Europe and the second in the world
    Polish 303 Fighter Squadron was the best air unit during the Battle of Britain

  6. The country I have chosen is Poland.

    1. Poland is in Europe.
    2. Poland is the 9th largest country in Europe.
    3. Seven countries border Poland (Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, Slovakia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Germany).
    4. Warsaw is the capital city of Poland.
    5. Kravow is another important city and used to be the capital.
    6. The Polish flag is white and red.
    7. The language is Polish.
    8. Over 38 million people live in Poland.
    9. Polish money is called zloty.
    10. The peak of Rysy in the Tatra Mountains is the higest point in Poland.

    By JAKE

  7. Poland is located in the very centre of Europe. Poland borders 7 countries: Germany on the west, Czech Republic and Slovakia on the south, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania on the east, and Russia on the north.
    Other cities are: Szczecin,Krakow, Gdansk. The flag colors are white above and red bellow.The language spoken is polish.
    It’s population is over 38,5 million people.
    The złoty which literally means "golden", is the currency of Poland. The climate is moderate.
    The average summer temperature ranges from 20 °C (68 °F) to 30 °C (86 °F). Winters are cold – the average ranges from 3 °C (37,4 °F) in the northwest to –8 °C (17,6 °F) in the northeast.
    Four Polish rivers are Odra, Wisla, and Warta.
    The official name of Poland is the Republic of Poland.
    Poland is the 9th largest country in Europe by land area.
    Nicolaus Copernicus, the famous 16th century astronomer who first suggested the sun was the centre of our universe was born in Thorn, Royal Prussia, and part of the Kingdom of Poland.

  8. arush the explorer29 May 2017 at 11:38

    Facts about India

    1.India is in the continant Asia.

    2.The Arabian Sea lies to the west of India, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean lie to the east and south, respectively. Smaller seas include the Laccadive Sea and the Andaman Sea.

    3.Dehli is the capital of India.

    4.Mumbai, Chennai, Hydrebad, Kolkata are big cites in India.

    5.The National Flag of India is a horizontal rectangular tricolour of India saffron, white and India green; with the Ashoka Chakra, a 24-spoke wheel, in navy blue at its centre.

    6.Languages spoken in India atre Telegu, Bengali, Hindi and Marahti.

    7.There are 1.311 billion people in India.

    8.India's currency is rupees.

    9.India is a very hot country and in summer it rains very heavily.

    10.The most famous river in India is the river Ganges.
