Year 4 Homework: Autumn Week 5
Date set: 13.10.16
Date Due in: 21.10.16
Reading (every day)
Please write in your reading
diary when you have read.
Maths (20mins):
Our topic this week is multiplication
and division. Maths homework will be posted on the Mathletics website. Please
ask your teacher for a paper copy if you need one or if you have trouble
logging on.
I need to learn my ____ x tables.
Literacy (20mins):
You can either submit your
homework on paper or post it on your class blog. Links to the blogs can be
found in the class pages on the school website.
Write about your favourite games:
- What are they?
- Why do you enjoy playing them?
- What do you learn from them?
- Do you have any ideas for your own educational game?
Spellings (20mins):
These should be practised for a
short time each day, using the words given in sentences.
You need to:
• look at each word
• say the word
• copy the word in first space
• cover the words and try to write it from memory
• check to see if they are right
• then cover, write and check again
Group 1
Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again
Group 2
Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again
ReplyDeleteMy favourite games are cooking,doctor,baby,teacher and shopping.I am enjoy to play with them because is
fan.I think when you will be grow up you now haw to cook,teach,to do your shopping and to baby sitting.Yes!I do I have any ideas for my own game I think a mouse catch some cereals and vegetables then to eat. BY ANA-MARIA
Can you use Scratch to make your game Ana-Maria?
ReplyDeleteMy Favorite Games
My favourite games are scratch, minecraft and pong. Scratch is a fun game because you can write different programmes. You can make characters speak, move, do flips and a lot more. Right now in school we are making games on scratch. In my opinion minecraft is for someone who is creative because you get to make houses, planes and even hotels! You can also have animals like cows, cats, dogs, ocelots and horses (although they are very rare). Finally we come to pong. Pong is a bit like table tennis...but on a computer. You basically have to move your mouse to block the ball. If you miss it is the other players point and if the other player misses then it your point. My own idea for a game is to have some questions (I haven't decided about what though) and if the player gets them all right my sprite will score a goal. I will make all of this on scratch!
Have you used coding to make any games of your own Atharv?
DeleteMy favourite games are, a bus driving game, sonic boom 2 and a ants game.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy playing the bus driving game because when I am old enough to drive it might make me more aware of the learning when I am old enough.
I like playing sonic boom 2 and ants ( which is known as lemmings ) because your supposed to keep them all alive and safe and complete the levels.
For my own idea I think that they should put one level as the bus driving game,for level 2 put it as the ants game and for level 3 put it as sonic boom 2, for level 4 mix it all up. So you can be driving the bus then the ant's are crossing the road and if you hit them you would have to start again after completing some questions. You would have to pick sonic boom characters up from various locations and complete educational questions or bonus boxes to help fill the bus up.
At the end you will have to work out how many passengers and stops you made on the levels you reached.
Can you use coding to make games Megan?
DeleteI like playing a game called Jenga. The reason i enjoy playing the game is because you have to try and remove a block from the tower without the tower falling and also I like that they give you a tip to show which blocks will fall an which will not. If the block is red then the tower will fall if the block is taken out. If the block is light pink then it is easier to take out but if it is dark pink it will be harder to take out. The easiest blocks to remove are the white ones but sometimes the game can trick you and the tower falls. The game teaches me sometimes that when you are taking out blocks the tower it might fall.
ReplyDeleteHave you made a game on scratch could you make a coding version of Jenga?
DeleteMy favourite games that I play
My favourite games are Ghost House and Candles. To play Ghost House there will be a target score and some ghosts with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division written on them. You need to try and match the target number by clicking on the ghost's rule. Also, you need to get three keys to leave the Ghost House so if you match the target number one time you will get one key. If you match the target number three times you will get out of the house. The aim of the game is to get all three keys and leave the Ghost House. From the game, I have learnt how to use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
My next favourite game is Candles. To play Candles, there will be a girl standing on top of a high ladder. There will also be some fraction sums. If you get one fraction sum about candles right, the little girl will climb down three steps. If you get all the questions right the girl will safely climb down the ladder. If you get a question wrong the girl will fall off the ladder. The aim of the game is to get all the questions right so the girl will climb down the ladder safely. From this game, I have learnt how to do fraction sums (hard or easy).
My Own game - To play Circus Show there will be a girl standing on a tight rope and there will be some balls with numbers on them. For example, if the number on the ball was 20, you would type in the box 10+10 and if it was right the girl will walk on the tight rope up to quarter of it. If the answer was wrong the girl will fall off the thin and high tight rope and hurt herself. The aim of the game is to get all the questions right so the little girl will walk safely to the end of the tight rope.
By Shreya
Can you use coding to make these games on Scratch Shreya?
DeleteMy favourite game
ReplyDeleteMy favourite game is snakes and ladders. I enjoy playing it because it is fun game and can be played anywhere at anytime with friends. It has ladders to climb and snakes to slither down. I like climbing but do not like slithering down. Climbing ladders will take to top and win the game. It also helps me in learning how to get through all obstacles and to be calculative.
Yes, I do have ideas for my own game. My game is just like a twister. To start with make a circle made out of cardboard. Next you make a cardboard arrow. Then you glue the arrow to the circle such a way so it can spin freely. Then write all country names in Europe around the circle. Now game is ready to play.
The player spins an arrow and points any country randomly. He or she has to name five cities belongs to that country. The player will be awarded with one point for each correct city name. For example if an arrow lands on UK, then the player has to name five different cities in the UK (like London, Cardiff, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow). If the player names incorrect city then he / she looses his or her turn. Player collected 20 points first will be the winner of the game.
Can you use coding to make these games on Scratch Rytham?
DeleteHello I have got a game for you to play with.The game is called left or right.I really really really enjoy the game because its like a challenge game but in this game its not easy.In this game there are cheating.I will tell you the rules.
ReplyDeletestep 1;Cover your eyes
step 2;Remember if the person is left or right answer
step 3;No numbers to answer
step 4;No telling other people what the answer is
In ICT you can make one of these on your own.When I press the flag the person keeps on going in the middle
So I had to drag it left or right but it does not matter.So that is how you play left or right.
Do you have more tan one level to the game Aarav?
DeleteMy game is Mathleics its teach your about numbers.Its enjoying my numbers,timestable,world pronlems,Mr Smith test as about things that we learnt
ReplyDeletein the week by putting things in and it is so funny to learn it.
Can you use coding to make your own maths game Nikola?
DeleteWinner maths cars
ReplyDeleteI like maths cars.
Maths cars is a game where your opponent's(car) goes at a speed of millimetre per second. Your car goes a centimetre when you answer 100 percent correctly.These questions will come rapidly. There are 12 levels in this game and in each level there is a bronze level, silver level and gold level. In the bronze level there are 3 questions and in silver and gold they have 3 questions too. The questions will get harder and you unlock gold and silver level.
I enjoy this game because it helps me do my maths better and faster.
Have you developed your own maths game on Scratch Arush?
DeleteMy favorite game is Monopoly. I like playing Monopoly because it lerns me maths. I aswell learn how to manage money and how to make good exchange. When I buy a buildings I just lerning how to make money.
ReplyDeleteCan you make a buying game on scratch Mateusz?
DeleteMy best game is Starwars, its a all out action game. You can play muliplayer so i play with my includes many charctirs like darth vader and hansolo and we have to take down the tanks. We also fly around space. BY SORAN
ReplyDeleteUse these characters in the game you develop in Scratch Soran
DeleteI like play multiplacation table because it helps me with my timetable and eventurly they will get even harder like (2+10)×(4+1)=60 and there are potions to help me to remember
ReplyDeleteHave you developed a X Table game in Scratch Sreh?
DeleteI like mathletics especially live mathletics. I also like mathletics because you can play against other people,even if those people are in different continents.It's a really good education game.In life mathletics you have to write the answer quick.It is a really good education game because it teaches you maths and makes you think lot. If I made a education game it would teach you about different countries and there capital city's. For beginners it would show countries on the map and how people lived in olden times for example it would show where Spain is on the map and how people lived there in olden times.
ReplyDeleteTry to develop your capitals game in Scratch Dawid.
DeleteMy best game is go jitters it's a bit like temple run
ReplyDeletebut go jitters is more fun .
I enjoy it because makes you happy because if you are sad then if you play go jitters then you get happy.
It teaches Me to jump in the correct time.
I made a game named go hero
you must jump , run , skip , and grow collect time.
If you achieve the label you get the fruits.Your target is to get 30 fruits .If you get 30 fruits you need to go to the next step. You should get completed with 96 steps.
You need to develop your ideas on Scratch Tapasi.